The road to hell is paved with good intentions, or is it paved with tattoos? Or is it paved with Tequila?! Not sure how you view it but our road to tacos y margaritas seems to start with tattoos.
It all started on a Monday morning, and being our usual day off we were lazing around the apartment watching, with mild interest, the Today show (not our usually scheduled program, I swear). And while contemplating how to spend our time before Martyn's tattoo appointment, the friendly and funny Kathy Lee Gifford informed us that is was National Margarita Day. This, of course, was NOT what we expected learn from the Today show, and there is no actual PROOF that it was indeed Nation Margarita Day (NMD), but it was all we needed to hear.
It all started on a Monday morning, and being our usual day off we were lazing around the apartment watching, with mild interest, the Today show (not our usually scheduled program, I swear). And while contemplating how to spend our time before Martyn's tattoo appointment, the friendly and funny Kathy Lee Gifford informed us that is was National Margarita Day. This, of course, was NOT what we expected learn from the Today show, and there is no actual PROOF that it was indeed Nation Margarita Day (NMD), but it was all we needed to hear.
Speaking of pain, during a recent home session of yoga bending and twisting I had hurt my back (again, and pretty bad) so our next trip to the bar stool at Loeteria Grill on Hollywood Blvd involved limping, moaning, and groaning, something I'm sure my loved ones are sick and tired of hearing from me. However since it was NMD, we had to soldier on. If you haven't been to Lotteria I recommend you do, they have pretty good Margaritas (though kinda spendy), and the tacos rule. They have a wide selection of Margies, from the most basic to fancy spiced citrus versions, all decent, all around. A wide selection of tacos too, all super delicious. The service is always great, really friendly staff and bartenders.
We had a great time and had a few Margies in honor of NMD, but my gimpy self was pretty achy from sitting so long so we had to call it short on National Margarita Day and head to safe ground = home. Until next time National Margarita Day...